BC Borstal Awards 2022

The British Columbia Borstal Association annually recognizes our supporters, leaders, and the accomplishments of officers and in the field who use research, innovation, and effective policing in order to improve community safety. On September 29, 2022, we were pleased to gather at VanDusen Gardens to honour the following recipients:

  • Awards of Merit for Community Crime Prevention: Constable Michelle Neufeld and Constable Mark Baird.
  • Chief Canuel Award for Community Crime Prevention Excellence: Ms. Leah Marlay

Those also receiving acknowledgement were: 

  • Mr. Beau Clark, who received the Rocksborough Smith Award for Personal Development.
  • Mr. Dan Morris of 9Cloud Solutions received the Community Partner of the Year Award. 
  • Mr. Jim Malcom received a plaque to honour his time served as BCBA President.